Can You Spray Peppermint Oil On Plants? Everything You Need To Know

Have you heard that peppermint oil can be sprayed on plants and want to know more? Maybe you are unsure whether peppermint oil is good or bad for plants?

Or are you curious about peppermint oil spray and want to know more? Regardless of the reason that brought you here, we have the answers for you! 

Can You Spray Peppermint Oil On Plants Everything You Need To Know

Finding out if peppermint oil can be sprayed on plants or not can be tricky, especially if you have never used it before.

You head online to find out more but are met with pages and pages of conflicting information, leaving you unsure who to trust or where to turn.

How are you supposed to know if peppermint oil can be sprayed on plants or not? 

Well, that’s what we are here to tell you! Keep reading to find out if you can spray peppermint oil on plants or not.

We have everything you need to know detailed below, banishing confusion once and for all! Let’s not waste any more time and dive into today’s article now!

Can You Spray Peppermint Oil On Plants?

Yes, you can spray peppermint oil on plants! Spraying the oil onto the plant is one of the safest ways to apply peppermint oil. You will want to dilute the peppermint oil and spray it only when it is necessary. 

The average yield of peppermint essential oil is between 0.5 and 1%, making it super strong! You don’t want to use your oil neat or strongly diluted.

Instead, consider spraying peppermint oil as a light misting (see also “How To Make Your Own DIY Essential Oil Spray“). You don’t want it to be too strong, but just a gentle spritz to protect your plants. 

Now that we have established that peppermint oil can be sprayed on plants, let’s 

Will Peppermint Oil Harm My Plants?

The last thing you want to do is harm your plants by spraying them with peppermint oil! Generally, peppermint oil will not hurt your plants.

The oil comes from the peppermint plant and can help to prevent other plants from germinating nearby, ensuring that the soil and the nutrients in it are for your plants only! 

But you need to take care when using the correct dosage. Too much can overwhelm your plants, which is why we recommend diluting them.

Don’t worry, we’ve got a full breakdown of making your own peppermint oil spray below! 

By diluting your peppermint oil, you can create a safe and natural alternative to chemical treatment for your plant. 

Does Peppermint Oil Kill Or Attract Bugs?

Can You Spray Peppermint Oil On Plants

Peppermint oil can both kill and attract bugs to your plant! The smell of mint has hundreds of different fragrances within it that insects can recognize.

And as every insect is different, some will be attracted to the scent, while others will want nothing to do with it! 

Generally, peppermint is good for warding off spiders and mosquitoes. Bees love mint, and it is one of their favorite things in a garden!

If the plant you are spraying flowers on, you can expect lots of bees trying to grab the pollen. And as we all know, the more bees pollinate, the better! 

Flea beetles, cutworms, and spider mites also like mint. But they love to munch on mint and could come to eat your plant, causing damage as they do!

Of course, the insects you attract or repel with peppermint do vary depending on your location and the time of year.

But we bet you will be surprised by what appears after you spritz the oil! 

Benefits Of Peppermint Oil On Plants

So what benefits does peppermint oil have for plants? Well, there isn’t a lot of scientific research or evidence. Most of the studies are related to preserving foods, molds, and fungi.

However, farmers and gardeners have been using natural remedies for centuries, experimenting with peppermint oil for its antibiotic and antifungal properties. 

Peppermint oil has become popular recently as an alternative to chemical treatments.

More and more farmers and gardeners are moving away from chemical pesticides and treatments due to their devastating impact on bees.

In recent years, we are seeing some bee species on the verge of extinction, which could cause devastating consequences for our environment. 

So, people are opting to use peppermint oil instead. It has the same qualities as some chemical pesticides and soil treatments, but it doesn’t harm bees!

Peppermint oil can also be used in the air without harming bees, helping them to buzz around and pollinate freely!

Using Peppermint Oil On Garden Plants

In your garden, peppermint oil can be extremely helpful, especially if you are suffering from aphids.

While aphids are a vital part of the food chain, they suck up sap. When left to their own devices, they can damage your plants!

Peppermint oil can be used here in small doses. Aphids don’t like the smell and will be less likely to come for your plants!

Beetles, moths, spiders, rats, and ants also don’t like the smell of peppermint oil and will be put off by the scent, leaving your garden in peace! 

If you grow and cut vegetables in your garden, you might also want to consider using peppermint oil.

When you cut vegetables in your garden, they release a scent that insects are attracted to. Carrot flies are the main source of trouble here for you. 

If you spray peppermint oil into the air, it can confuse the carrot flies, allowing you to grow and cut them in peace! 

The mint smell in peppermint also confuses flea beetles, stopping them from laying their eggs on vegetables like cauliflower, cabbages, and sprouts. 

Peppermint can also be used as a weedkiller. Studies have found that spraying your crops with peppermint oil is a safer alternative to some chemical herbicides.

The ingredients in peppermint oil can prevent the germination of Lolium multiflorum seeds in your soil.

This invasive ryegrass can cause problems in your garden, but peppermint will put a stop to it! 

If you don’t use peppermint oil, another option is to plant mint in your garden. You will need to take care when planting mint though.

The roots can be invasive and take over! You will want to confine the roots to stop the mint from spreading across your garden unless you want a garden full of mint! 

When spraying peppermint or planting mint in your garden, you will need to take care. As peppermint deters predators or pests that pollinators eat.

By deterring them from your garden, you are preventing pollinators from feeding and pollinating your plants!

Consider carefully if you have plants that have pollen and whether you should spray peppermint oil or not. 

You will also want to consider when you are spraying your plants. You don’t want to spray plants when they are in flower as you could deter pollinators!

Instead, make sure you are spraying them when bees and other pollinators don’t need access to them. 

How To Make Peppermint Oil Spray For Plants

Making a peppermint oil spray for your plants isn’t too tricky. To start, you will need the following ingredients: 

  • 10 drops of peppermint essential oil 
  • 1 tsp of vodka (to disperse the essential oils)
  • 1 gallon of water
  • Spray bottle to put the oil in 

To make the oil, simply combine the ingredients in a spray bottle. Once prepared, you can saturate the entire plant with your spray.

You might notice that the effects of the spray won’t last long, so you might need to respray your plant about five times a day. 

When using your oil spray, make sure that you don’t use it for longer than a week. We recommend applying the spray first thing in the morning, throughout the day, and at sunset.

This ensures that your plants are protected throughout the day and night from pests. You don’t want to wake up and find out that your hard work has been undone! 

Final Thoughts

And there you have it, everything you need to know about using peppermint oil on your plants.

While there is little scientific evidence that supports using peppermint oil or other essential oils on plants, farmers have been doing so for centuries (see also “Is Olive Oil Considered An ‘Essential Oil’?“). 

Mint has been planted with peppermint oil spray to deter pests and insects and protect plants and crops.

Whether you have a small planter on your window, or a garden full of vegetables that you want to protect, peppermint oil can be used to keep your plants safe! ]

Be sure that you follow our guidance when using peppermint oil spray for your plants to avoid damaging them or causing distress to any pets or insects in your garden.

If you opt to plant mint, remember to confine the roots to prevent them from spreading across your garden!

Doing so can deter pests and allow your plants and crops to grow in peace, with a fresh smell around them!

Mia Greene
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